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Stames Sponsors The 5th Edition of Africa Media Ads Sales Summit 2023

November 15, 2023

Stames Partners with AfriMass to Propel Innovation in Africa’s Media Advertising Sector

In a strategic move towards fostering innovation and growth in Africa’s media and advertising landscape, Stames is proud to announce its sponsorship of AfriMass – the Africa Media Advertising Sales Summit. AfriMass stands as a premier thought leadership and knowledge-sharing platform, uniting leaders, professionals, and stakeholders in the vibrant and dynamic media and advertising sector across the continent.

Theme Unveiled: Media Advertising & Business Innovation

AfriMass, with its core focus on media advertising sustainability, has unveiled the theme for this year’s summit: “Media Advertising & Business Innovation; Driving Growth and Profitability.” The summit aims to spotlight the challenges and opportunities that shape the continuous existence of the media advertising business in Africa.

Stames at the Forefront of Technological Transformation

As a key sponsor of AfriMass, Stames is positioned at the forefront of technological transformation within the media and advertising sector. Stames recognizes the critical role technology plays in driving growth, improving profitability, and enhancing the overall sustainability of businesses in this dynamic industry.

Empowering Companies with Technology

During the summit, Stames will showcase its commitment to empowering incredible companies seeking to leverage technology in their sales and customer service and experience processes. Stames provides a comprehensive platform that allows businesses to monitor, track, and effortlessly respond to orders, customer issues, and more. This emphasis on real-time responsiveness is crucial in an industry that thrives on swift and effective communication.

Free CRM Software: A Gift to Participants

In a gesture of support and encouragement for the participants of AfriMass, Stames will be providing free access to its cutting-edge CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. This software is designed to streamline sales, leads, and invoicing processes, enabling businesses to enhance efficiency, foster stronger customer relationships, and drive revenue growth.

Unlocking Potential: Stames and AfriMass Together

The collaboration between Stames and AfriMass signifies a collective commitment to unlocking the full potential of businesses in the media and advertising sector across Africa. Through knowledge-sharing, thought leadership, and the integration of innovative technologies, this partnership aims to drive positive change, foster growth, and contribute to the sustained success of companies navigating the complexities of the media advertising landscape.

Join Us at AfriMass: Explore, Learn, and Innovate

Stames invites all participants, industry leaders, and professionals attending AfriMass to join us in exploring the limitless possibilities of technology-driven innovation. Together, let’s transform challenges into opportunities, driving growth and profitability in Africa’s media advertising business.

Visit Stames at AfriMass – Your Partner in Technological Innovation for Media Advertising Excellence!

Articles, Featured, How to

A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Your Stames Account to Business Email to Receive Customer Emails Using Postmark

September 1, 2023

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, effective communication with your customers is paramount. Whether it’s responding to inquiries, addressing feedback, or handling complaints, a seamless email integration can significantly enhance your customer service capabilities. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of connecting your Stames account to your email system, using Postmark as our example, to efficiently manage customer interactions.

Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up Your Postmark Account

  • If you haven’t already, visit the Postmark website ( and sign up for an account.
  • Complete the account setup process, including email verification and configuration of your sender details.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Information

  • Log in to your Stames account, where you’ll access the settings or integration section.
  • Identify the specific email integration feature you wish to set up. This could include a general support email, an email for feedback and complaints, or any other email-based customer interaction channel.

Step 3: Configure Your Postmark Account

  • Access your Postmark dashboard and navigate to the “Server” section.
  • Create a new or use the default Inbound Server in Postmark, which will serve as the dedicated email channel for your Stames account.
  • Click on the Inbound Stream you just created and then on “Setup Instructions” tab.
  • On “Webhook”, enter the Postmark webhook endpoint:, then click on “Save changes”.
  • Copy and save the server’s inbound email address. Example:

Step 4: Configure Your Stames Account

  • Return to your Stames account settings and the integration settings.
  • Click on Channels & Apps tab and then on Postmark Inbound Mail to popup a dialog box.
  • Go to Postmark integration dialog box on Stames integration page to paste into Postmark Inbound Email Address field.

NOTE: To be able to connect your business email for inbound mails, you must first setup that email for outbound mails.

Step 6: Add Postmark Inbound Email Address to Forwarding List

  • Log into your business domain email and add your Postmark Inbound Email Address to your mail forwarding list. Click “Save changes”. You ‘re now all set.

Step 6: Test the Connection

  • Before finalizing the setup, it’s crucial to test the connection to ensure seamless email communication.
  • Send a test email from your any email account to the designated email address associated with your Postmark server.
  • Check your Postmark dashboard to confirm that the test email was received successfully.
  • Log into your Stames software module, then go to the Manage Requests page to access the test email.
  • Click on Reply and send a test response to the test email sender. Check your test sender email to see the response.

Screenshot of how email response appears to customers from Stames software.

Step 7: Automate Responses and Routing

  • To streamline customer interactions, consider setting up automated responses and routing rules within your Stames account.
  • Automated responses can acknowledge receipt of customer emails and provide initial information or instructions.
  • Routing rules can direct emails to the appropriate team or department.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimize

  • With your email integration in place, regularly monitor your email channel for incoming customer inquiries, requests, feedback, and complaints.
  • Gather data on response times, customer satisfaction, and common issues to continually optimize your customer service processes.

Step 9: Train Your Team

  • Ensure that your customer service team is well-trained in using the integrated email system.
  • Provide guidelines for responding to different types of customer emails and empower your team to resolve issues effectively.

Step 10: Maintain Security and Compliance

  • Pay careful attention to data security and compliance with regulations like GDPR when handling customer emails.
  • Implement encryption and data protection measures to safeguard sensitive customer information.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly connect your Stames account to email, allowing you to receive and manage customer emails, requests, queries, feedback, and complaints efficiently. This integration enhances your customer service capabilities, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Articles, Case Study, Featured

Unleashing Stames Across 10 Industries for Profound Transformation

August 20, 2023

In the fast-paced digital age, businesses are presented with both unprecedented opportunities and challenges when it comes to customer engagement and communication. Enter STAMES, a cutting-edge omnichannel customer, sales, and team communications SaaS platform that is set to reshape the way businesses interact with their customers. With its ability to monitor, track, and respond to queries, orders, feedback, complaints, and more across multiple channels and applications, STAMES is poised to transform a wide range of industries. Let’s explore 10 industries that are set to benefit immensely from the innovation that STAMES brings to the table.

1. E-Commerce and Retail: In the competitive world of online shopping, customer experience is paramount. STAMES offers e-commerce businesses the ability to seamlessly manage customer interactions across various platforms, enhancing customer satisfaction, and increasing conversion rates.

2. Hospitality and Travel: The hospitality and travel industry heavily relies on customer reviews and feedback. STAMES enables businesses in this sector to efficiently manage customer inquiries, booking requests, and reviews across websites, social media, and messaging apps, leading to improved customer relationships and service quality.

3. Financial Services: Financial institutions deal with sensitive information and require robust communication systems. STAMES can facilitate secure communication between clients and financial advisors, ensuring privacy and compliance while offering prompt assistance.

4. Healthcare: Patient care and communication play a crucial role in healthcare. STAMES can streamline communication between medical professionals, patients, and caregivers, allowing for quicker response times, appointment scheduling, and personalized care.

5. Real Estate: Real estate transactions involve multiple parties and stages. STAMES can simplify the process by providing a central platform for agents, buyers, sellers, and mortgage brokers to communicate, share documents, and track progress.

6. Tech Support and IT Services: Timely and effective technical support is vital in the tech industry. STAMES can help IT companies manage customer issues, provide troubleshooting assistance, and offer updates across various channels, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.

7. Food and Beverage: Restaurants and food delivery services can benefit from STAMES by efficiently managing orders, addressing customer queries, and handling feedback. This can lead to smoother operations and improved customer loyalty.

8. Education and E-Learning: In the realm of education, STAMES can facilitate communication between educators, students, and parents. It can serve as a platform for sharing assignments, progress reports, and providing timely academic support.

9. Event Management: Planning and executing events involve coordinating with clients, vendors, and attendees. STAMES can simplify event management by providing a centralized platform for communication, updates, and addressing concerns.

10. Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofits rely on effective communication to engage donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. STAMES can help these organizations manage fundraising efforts, coordinate volunteer activities, and share updates on their projects.

In conclusion, STAMES presents a game-changing solution for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement and streamline communication across multiple channels. By empowering industries to manage inquiries, orders, feedback, and more with ease, STAMES is set to revolutionize how businesses operate and interact in the digital era. As these 10 diverse industries embrace this innovative SaaS platform, they are poised to elevate their customer relationships, operational efficiency, and overall success. The era of omnichannel communication has arrived, and STAMES is at the forefront of this transformative journey.

Articles, Featured

Bad Customer Service? Most Consumers Will Dump Your Brand

August 10, 2023

In a world where choices are abundant and competition is fierce, customer service isn’t just a nicety—it’s a make-or-break factor that directly impacts your brand’s success. When it comes to bad customer service, the repercussions are far-reaching, potentially leading to the ultimate breakup: consumers dumping your brand.

The Domino Effect of Dissatisfaction

Imagine this scenario: a customer encounters a problem with your product or service and reaches out for assistance. Instead of finding a quick and effective solution, they’re met with indifference, delays, or worse, rudeness. That single negative experience can trigger a domino effect of dissatisfaction.

According to a survey conducted by NewVoiceMedia, a staggering 86% of consumers have quit doing business with a company after a bad customer service experience. This statistic should serve as a stark reminder of the power that a single interaction holds. Here’s how bad customer service can lead to brand abandonment:

1. Erosion of Trust: Trust is the foundation of any successful customer relationship. A bad experience erodes this trust, leaving consumers skeptical about your brand’s integrity.

2. Negative Word of Mouth: Unsatisfied customers are more likely to share their grievances with friends, family, and even on social media. Word of mouth spreads quickly, potentially tarnishing your brand’s reputation.

3. Loss of Loyalty: Loyal customers are your brand advocates. When they’re disappointed, they may not only stop doing business with you but also actively discourage others from engaging with your brand.

4. Impact on Lifetime Value: The lifetime value of a customer is directly tied to their overall experience. Bad service can lead to premature churn, cutting short the potential revenue a customer could generate over time.

5. Missed Opportunities: A dissatisfied customer is unlikely to explore other products or services your brand offers, limiting cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

The Quest for Exceptional Customer Service

In contrast, exceptional customer service is a catalyst for brand loyalty and advocacy. Happy customers are more likely to stay, refer others, and even pay premium prices for a superior experience. The same NewVoiceMedia survey found that 49% of customers would switch to a competitor after just one bad experience.

Investing in a customer-centric approach pays off. Train your staff to actively listen, empathize, and promptly resolve issues. Leverage technology to streamline communication channels and provide personalized interactions. Regularly gather feedback and act on it to demonstrate your commitment to improvement.

In today’s digitally connected world, a single bad customer service experience can reverberate widely, potentially leading to a significant loss of business. Remember, customers have options, and they aren’t hesitant to explore them if their experience falls short.

So, take the proactive stance of delivering exceptional customer service at every touchpoint. Your brand’s success hinges on it, and in the end, the loyalty you earn will far outweigh the challenges you overcome.

Articles, Featured

📢10 Ways to Improve Communication With Customers📢

August 10, 2023

Effective communication is the bedrock of building lasting relationships with customers. It goes beyond transactional interactions, paving the way for trust, loyalty, and satisfaction. In today’s competitive business landscape, enhancing customer communication is not just an option—it’s a necessity. Here are 10 proven strategies to elevate your communication game and forge deeper connections with your customers:

1. Embrace Active Listening: Listen intently to your customers, both during conversations and through feedback channels. Understand their needs, concerns, and preferences to tailor your responses accordingly.

2. Prioritize Prompt Responses: Speed matters. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, be it through emails, social media, or other channels. A swift response shows you value their time.

3. Personalize Your Approach: Address customers by their names and reference past interactions. Personalization creates a sense of recognition and importance.

4. Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon and use clear, simple language. Your customers should easily understand your messages without ambiguity.

5. Multichannel Availability: Be present on the communication channels your customers prefer—be it social media, chat, email, or phone. Adapt to their comfort zone.

6. Transparency and Honesty: If an issue arises, communicate openly about it. Customers appreciate honesty and transparency, which can foster trust even during challenging times.

7. Educate and Empower: Offer valuable insights and tips related to your product or service. Educating customers not only showcases your expertise but also empowers them to make informed decisions.

8. Gather Feedback Actively: Regularly solicit feedback and act upon it. Customer input is a goldmine of insights that can drive improvements.

9. Create Useful Content: Develop content that addresses customer pain points and provides solutions. Useful content positions your brand as a helpful resource.

10. Continuous Improvement: Regularly assess and refine your communication strategies. Keep up with evolving customer expectations and technology to stay ahead.

By implementing these strategies, you’re not just communicating with your customers—you’re building a bridge of understanding, trust, and mutual benefit. As you embark on this journey of improved communication, remember that it’s a two-way street. Engage, listen, adapt, and watch your customer relationships flourish.

Articles, Featured

20 Ideas to WOW Your Customers

August 4, 2023

In today’s competitive business landscape, providing exceptional customer service is more critical than ever. Going the extra mile to WOW your customers can make all the difference in building lasting relationships and gaining brand advocates. Let’s explore 20 creative and effective ideas to take your customer service from good to unforgettable.

1. Personalized Greetings:
Address customers by their names when greeting them, whether in person, on the phone, or through emails. This simple gesture shows that you value and recognize them as individuals.

2. Surprise Thank-You Notes:
Send handwritten thank-you notes to your customers, expressing genuine gratitude for their patronage. Personal touches like these leave a lasting impression.

3. Swift Response Times:
Respond to customer inquiries promptly, whether it’s on social media, email, or live chat. Customers appreciate quick resolutions to their concerns.

4. Customize Recommendations:
Offer personalized product or service recommendations based on each customer’s preferences and purchase history. This demonstrates that you understand their needs.

5. Exclusive Loyalty Rewards:
Create exclusive rewards and offers for loyal customers, such as discounts, early access to sales, or special events. Make them feel valued and appreciated.

6. Send Surprises on Special Occasions:
Remember your customers’ birthdays, anniversaries, or other milestones with surprise gifts or personalized offers.

7. Empower Frontline Staff:
Train and empower your frontline staff to make decisions that benefit the customer. This fosters a culture of exceptional service.

8. Personal Shopping Experiences:
Offer personalized shopping experiences, whether it’s virtual personal shopping or in-store assistance, to help customers find exactly what they need.

9. Create Customer Success Stories:
Highlight your customers’ success stories or testimonials to show appreciation and inspire others.

10. Hand-Deliver Orders:
If possible, hand-deliver orders to local customers. This adds a personal touch and ensures a memorable experience.

11. Respond to Feedback:
Actively listen to customer feedback, both positive and negative, and take actionable steps to address their concerns.

12. Host Exclusive Events:
Organize exclusive events or workshops for your loyal customers to strengthen your relationship with them.

13. Surprise Upgrades:
Surprise your customers with unexpected upgrades or enhancements to their purchases.

14. Share Behind-the-Scenes:
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business or production process to create a sense of authenticity and transparency.

15. Create Branded Swag:
Send customers branded swag or merchandise as a token of appreciation.

16. Handwritten Follow-Up Calls:
Follow up with customers after their purchases with a personal phone call to ensure their satisfaction.

17. Support a Cause:
Support a charitable cause or community initiative, and involve your customers in the process. People appreciate businesses that give back.

18. Create Video Tutorials:
Provide customers with helpful video tutorials or guides to make the most of your products or services.

19. Anticipate Needs:
Anticipate your customers’ needs and offer solutions proactively before they even ask for help.

20. Create a VIP Program:
Design a VIP program with exclusive perks and benefits for your most valued customers.

WOWing your customers is about more than just meeting their expectations; it’s about exceeding them. By implementing these 20 creative ideas, you can elevate your customer service game, foster meaningful connections, and create brand advocates who will continue to sing your praises. Remember, exceptional customer service is the key to long-term success in any business.

Articles, Featured

Empowering Seamless Asset Support Management: Introducing Stames B2B Self-Service Customer Portal

August 4, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of B2B relationships, effective asset support management plays a pivotal role in maintaining trust, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving business success. Enter Stames, an innovative solution that is redefining the way B2B companies manage and address asset-related issues through its self-service customer portal.

Unveiling the Self-Service Customer Portal:
Stames B2B’s asset support management feature brings a game-changing solution to the forefront. Imagine a portal where clients have the power to report and manage issues with their assets – be it CCTV cameras, generators, cars, biometric devices, or any other equipment that a B2B company provides and maintains on their behalf. The self-service customer portal puts the control in the hands of clients, fostering transparency, efficiency, and proactive issue resolution.

Seamless Issue Reporting:
The self-service customer portal simplifies the process of reporting asset-related issues. Clients can effortlessly log in and submit support requests, detailing the nature of the problem, urgency, and any relevant information. This eliminates the need for lengthy phone calls or back-and-forth emails, streamlining the entire support process.

Centralized Asset Information:
Stames B2B takes asset support management a step further by allowing clients to maintain detailed profiles of their assets. This includes information about each asset’s make, model, serial number, installation date, and more. With a centralized repository of asset data, both clients and B2B companies have a comprehensive view of the equipment under management.

Effortless Site and Location Management:
The B2B self-service portal introduces the concept of company profiles, sites, and locations. Clients can organize their assets based on various sites and specific locations, making it easier to pinpoint issues and allocate resources for quick resolutions. This feature empowers B2B companies to provide tailored support based on the precise location of the asset.

Proactive Issue Resolution:
Stames B2B’s asset support management is all about proactive issue resolution. Clients receive real-time updates on the status of their reported issues, allowing them to track progress and stay informed. This transparency not only builds trust but also enables B2B companies to showcase their commitment to delivering top-notch support.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:
The self-service customer portal acts as a collaborative hub, facilitating communication between clients and B2B companies. Clients can provide additional context, upload images or videos of the issue, and engage in two-way conversations with support teams. This seamless interaction ensures that all parties are on the same page, leading to faster and more effective solutions.

Unlocking Business Value:
Stames B2B’s asset support management feature isn’t just about issue resolution; it’s about unlocking business value. By empowering clients with greater control and insights into their assets, B2B companies can foster stronger relationships, enhance customer satisfaction, and demonstrate their dedication to providing top-tier service.

Embrace the Future of B2B Asset Support:
In a world driven by innovation and customer-centricity, Stames B2B’s self-service customer portal stands out as a true game-changer. It empowers clients to take charge of their asset support needs, while B2B companies can streamline processes, elevate service quality, and set new standards for customer satisfaction.

Experience the transformational power of Stames B2B asset support management and unlock a new era of seamless collaboration, transparent communication, and unparalleled customer support. Embrace the future of asset management – one where empowerment and efficiency go hand in hand.

Articles, Featured, How to


August 3, 2023

Are you looking to streamline your customer service and efficiently manage inquiries and requests from your Facebook Business Page? Connecting your Stames account to your Facebook Business Page is the perfect solution. With a few simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate the two platforms and enhance your customer service capabilities. Let’s walk through the step-by-step process to get you started:

Step 1: Log into Your Stames Subscription Account
To begin, log into your Stames subscription account ( using your registered credentials. Ensure you have administrative access to both your Stames and Facebook Business Page accounts for a smooth integration process.

Step 2: Access Integration Settings Page
Once logged in, navigate to the integration settings page within your Stames account. Look for the “Channels and Apps” tab to proceed with connecting your Facebook Business Page.

Step 3: Click on Facebook Messenger
In the “Channels and Apps” tab, locate and click on “Facebook Messenger.” This action will open a dialog box with options related to integrating your Stames account with your Facebook Business Page.

Step 4: Connect with Facebook
Within the dialog box, click on the “Connect with Facebook” option to initiate the Facebook authentication process. This step will ensure the secure connection between your Stames account and Facebook Business Page.

Step 5: Log into Facebook
After clicking “Connect with Facebook,” you will be prompted to log into your Facebook account. Please provide your Facebook login credentials to proceed with the integration process.

Step 6: Choose Business Page
Upon successful login, you will have the option to choose the specific Business Page you wish to connect to your Stames account. Select the relevant Business Page from the list presented to finalize the integration.

Step 7: Redirect to Stames
After selecting the Business Page, you will be automatically redirected to your Stames account. Congratulations! Your Stames account is now successfully connected to your Facebook Business Page.

Testing the Integration:
To ensure the successful integration, conduct a quick test by sending a test message from your Facebook account to the Business Page connected to Stames. Follow these steps:

  1. Log back into your Stames software account.
  2. Access the “Manage Requests” section, where you will find a comprehensive list of all inquiries, requests, orders, feedback, complaints, and more.
  3. Locate the test message within the list and click on it to access its details.
  4. To respond, click on the “Reply Message” option within Stames.
  5. Check your Facebook account to access the response from Stames.

Connecting your Stames account to your Facebook Business Page opens up new avenues for efficient customer service and inquiry management. By following this step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly integrate the two platforms, empowering your business to deliver exceptional customer experiences and achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction. Embrace the power of Stames and elevate your customer service to new heights!

Articles, Featured


August 3, 2023

In today’s competitive business landscape, providing exceptional customer service is the key to success. As businesses strive to meet and exceed customer expectations, the role of technology becomes increasingly crucial. Stames, a cutting-edge customer service platform, offers a myriad of benefits that revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers and drive unparalleled customer satisfaction. Let’s explore the 20 benefits of Stames and how it empowers businesses to deliver outstanding customer and sales experiences.

1. Seamless Customer Interactions:
Stames facilitates centralized communications across various channels, including Facebook, email, website contact forms, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more. This integrated approach ensures smooth and efficient customer interactions, leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

2. Enhanced Productivity:
With powerful email and SMS reminders, Stames helps users stay organized and never miss attending to customers or sales requests. This feature boosts overall productivity and ensures that no customer query goes unanswered.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making:
Stames offers advanced data analytics, providing visual representations of critical data on the dashboard. This empowers businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their customer service strategies for maximum impact.

4. Streamlined Sales Management:
The sales pipeline tools in Stames enable effective routing of customers, leads, orders, and requests, streamlining sales management processes and elevating customer satisfaction.

5. Brand Consistency:
Stames allows businesses to fully whitelabel the software with their company branding, ensuring brand consistency and offering customers a seamless, branded experience.

6. Efficient Team Collaboration:
Stames offers private team communications, fostering collaboration among team members and enhancing problem-solving capabilities. This streamlined collaboration leads to faster issue resolution and delighted customers.

7. Customized Solutions with API:
The Stames API empowers businesses to build custom apps and solutions tailored to their specific user-based app requirements. This level of customization enhances functionality and elevates the overall user experience.

8. Valuable Customer Feedback:
Stames excels at collecting feedback, ratings, and comments after every request closure or resolution. This valuable customer feedback helps businesses identify areas for improvement and deliver better service.

9. Swift Customer Request Escalation:
With Stames, call center agents can escalate customer requests to the company team seamlessly, ensuring complex issues are promptly addressed, resulting in quicker resolutions.

10. Personalized Customer Service:
Through Stames, customers can log into a dedicated portal to submit requests and orders, receiving personalized and user-friendly customer service tailored to their needs.

11. Efficient Request Tracking:
Stames enables businesses to track request response times, allowing them to set realistic service level targets and optimize overall customer service efficiency.

12. Optimal Asset Support Management:
Stames excels in asset support management, efficiently handling asset-related requests, and ensuring smooth operation, contributing to increased customer satisfaction.

13. Smart Team Assignment:
With Stames, assigning teams to specific requests becomes effortless, ensuring tasks are appropriately distributed and completed promptly for enhanced customer service.

14. Future-Ready Chatbot Integration:
Stames’ upcoming chatbot integration promises to revolutionize customer engagement by enabling businesses to automate responses and enhance support efficiency.

15. Comprehensive Report Generation:
Stames generates detailed reports, providing businesses with valuable insights into performance metrics, customer feedback, and service effectiveness, facilitating data-driven improvements.

16. Decentralized Customer Service:
Stames offers decentralized customer service, allowing users to access services across multiple modules while maintaining centralized data management for seamless access and security.

17. Cost-Effective Pricing Model:
With Stames’ best pricing in the market, adopting a pay-per-block model for five users, it becomes a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes, optimizing their budget allocation.

18. Increased Customer Satisfaction:
By providing robust tools and features, Stames enhances customer service capabilities, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

19. Time and Resource Efficiency:
Stames streamlines various customer service processes, saving time and resources for businesses, leading to increased operational efficiency.

20. Competitive Edge:
Leveraging Stames’ comprehensive suite of customer service tools and functionalities gives businesses a competitive edge, enabling them to deliver exceptional service and stand out in the market.

In conclusion, Stames empowers businesses to deliver unparalleled customer service experiences, driving customer loyalty, retention, and business growth. With its innovative features, seamless integration, and data-driven approach, Stames remains at the forefront of revolutionizing customer service in the digital era. Businesses that embrace Stames gain a distinct advantage in the market, as they nurture and strengthen their customer relationships, ultimately shaping their success and future growth.

Articles, Featured, How to


August 3, 2023

WhatsApp has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers. By integrating WhatsApp with Stames, you can enhance your business’s communication capabilities. One essential step in this process is generating a WhatsApp permanent token, which allows you to access WhatsApp’s APIs and utilize advanced features. In this article, we will guide you through the process of generating a WhatsApp permanent token via and Meta Business Suite.

Step 1: Access the Platform

To begin, navigate to and log in with your Facebook account credentials. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to manage the Facebook Page associated with your business.

Step 2: Create a New App

In the dashboard, click on “My Apps” and then “Create App” to start the app creation process. Provide a unique name for your app, select the appropriate purpose, and click on “Create App.”

Step 3: Add WhatsApp as a Product

Once your app is created, go to the “Products” section on the left-hand side of the dashboard and click on “Set Up” under the “WhatsApp” product.

Step 4: Configure WhatsApp Settings

In the WhatsApp settings, you will need to provide some details, including a Display Name for your business, a Business Profile, and a Privacy Policy URL. Fill in the required information accurately and click on “Save.”

Step 5: Verify Business and Phone Number

WhatsApp requires your business and phone number to be verified before you can proceed. Follow the verification process outlined on the platform. This typically involves entering a verification code received via SMS.

Step 6: Enable Webhooks

Since Stames has already set up a webhook, proceed by filling the callback URL field with and verify token field with stames. Webhooks enable real-time communication between Stames and WhatsApp, ensuring seamless integration.

Step 7: Generate a Permanent Token

See the second video below on how to generate permanent tokens.

Step 8: Store and Safeguard Your Permanent Token

Once you have generated your permanent token, make sure to securely store it. Treat it as confidential information and avoid sharing it openly. Leaking or misusing your token could compromise the security and integrity of your WhatsApp integration.

Step 9: Utilize the Permanent Token

Go to and access the “Integration Settings” page and then choose “Channels & Apps”. Launch the Whatsapp dialog box and click on “Connect Whatsapp”. Fill the form fields with your generated permanent token, Whatsapp Business Account ID, Facebook email, phone number and more. Click on “Submit” to complete the process.

Generating a WhatsApp permanent token via and Meta Business Suite is a crucial step in unlocking the full potential of WhatsApp for your business. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can establish a secure and reliable connection between Stames and WhatsApp business account. Remember to handle your permanent token with care and adhere to best practices for data security. With this token, you can enhance your communication strategies and provide exceptional customer experiences via Stames.

Articles, Featured


August 3, 2023

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, customer service has emerged as a key differentiator. To ensure continued success and customer satisfaction, businesses must recognize the significance of regularly evaluating their customer service strategies. By regularly assessing and fine-tuning their approaches, companies can adapt to evolving customer expectations, stay ahead of the competition, and foster long-term customer loyalty. In this article, we will explore the crucial reasons why businesses need to prioritize the periodic evaluation of their customer service strategies.

1. Evolving Customer Expectations:

Customer expectations are constantly evolving, driven by changing market trends, emerging technologies, and shifts in consumer behavior. Regularly evaluating customer service strategies allows businesses to stay attuned to these evolving expectations. By understanding and meeting customers’ changing needs, companies can remain relevant and provide exceptional experiences that align with current market demands.

2. Competitive Advantage:

Exceptional customer service has become a critical differentiator in today’s competitive landscape. Regular evaluations enable businesses to assess their customer service against industry benchmarks and competitors. By identifying gaps and areas for improvement, companies can develop unique selling propositions, differentiate themselves, and gain a competitive advantage in their market.

3. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is paramount to the success of any business. Regular evaluation of customer service strategies helps companies identify pain points in the customer journey and implement necessary improvements. By addressing these pain points, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, leading to increased customer lifetime value and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

4. Embracing Technological Advancements:

Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping customer service strategies. Regular evaluations allow businesses to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their existing technological solutions. By keeping pace with advancements and embracing new tools, companies can leverage automation, artificial intelligence, chatbots, and omnichannel support to streamline operations and deliver seamless, personalized customer experiences.

5. Identifying Operational Inefficiencies:

Customer service evaluations provide an opportunity to identify operational inefficiencies that may hinder service delivery. By examining response times, resolution rates, and customer feedback, businesses can uncover bottlenecks or gaps in their processes. This insight empowers them to streamline operations, optimize workflows, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately improving overall efficiency.

6. EnsuringConsistencyAcrossChannels:

In today’s omnichannel world, customers interact with businesses through various touchpoints. Regular evaluations help ensure consistency across all customer service channels, including phone, email, chat, social media, and self-service portals. Consistency in messaging, tone, and service quality builds trust, enhances the customer experience, and strengthens the brand’s reputation.

7. Nurturing Customer Loyalty:

Loyal customers are the lifeblood of any successful business. Regular evaluations enable companies to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, preferences, and feedback. By understanding the factors that drive customer loyalty, businesses can tailor their customer service strategies to build strong, lasting relationships with their most valuable customers.

8. Proactive Issue Resolution:

Customer service evaluations allow businesses to proactively identify and address potential issues before they escalate. By analyzing customer feedback, complaints, and service metrics, companies can detect patterns, spot recurring issues, and take corrective actions promptly. This proactive approach minimizes customer dissatisfaction, prevents reputational damage, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

9. Employee Engagement and Development:

Customer service evaluations present an opportunity to assess the performance and satisfaction of customer service representatives. Regular feedback and performance evaluations help identify training needs, recognize top performers, and motivate the team. Engaged and well-trained employees are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

10. Adaptability in a Changing Landscape:

The business landscape is dynamic, and customer service strategies must adapt accordingly. Regular evaluations allow businesses to stay agile and responsive to market changes, customer feedback, and emerging trends. By embracing a culture of continuous evaluation and improvement, companies can adapt their customer service strategies to meet the evolving needs of their customers, ensuring long-term success.

Regularly evaluating customer service strategies is not a mere option but a necessity for businesses striving for excellence. It enables companies to stay aligned with evolving customer expectations, gain a competitive advantage, and deliver exceptional experiences. By embracing technological advancements, addressing operational inefficiencies, and nurturing customer loyalty, businesses can build strong customer relationships, drive growth, and position themselves as industry leaders. In today’s customer-centric world, the continuous evaluation of customer service strategies is an indispensable practice for businesses aiming to thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Want to improve your business customer strategies? Take our free instant evaluation to get a rating on your customer services as well as recommendations on where to improve here.

Articles, Featured


August 3, 2023

In the realm of customer service software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms, Stames stands out with its innovative Module Tier Pricing. Unlike traditional per-user pricing models, Stames offers businesses a flexible and scalable solution that aligns with their evolving needs. By introducing module tiers based on blocks of five users, Stames empowers companies to tailor their subscription plans precisely to their requirements. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Stames’ Module Tier Pricing and highlight ten compelling benefits users can enjoy compared to per-user pricing.

1. Simplified Pricing Structure:

Stames’ Module Tier Pricing simplifies the billing process, eliminating the need to track individual user subscriptions. Businesses can easily understand and manage their costs based on the number of module tiers they require, streamlining budgeting and financial planning.

2. Cost-EffectiveScalability:

With per-user pricing models, businesses often face hefty costs when expanding their teams. Stames’ Module Tier Pricing offers a cost-effective alternative. Users can increase their module tier by multiples of five, ensuring a smooth and budget-friendly scaling process as their workforce grows.

3. Flexibility and Customization:

Module Tier Pricing provides users with the flexibility to choose the ideal plan based on their specific needs. Whether a business requires a small team or aims to expand exponentially, Stames offers module tiers ranging from tier 1 to tier 5, allowing customization at every stage.

4. Seamless Upgrades:
As businesses grow and add more users, upgrading to a higher module tier with Stames is a seamless process. Users can easily

transition from one module tier to another, adapting their subscription to match their evolving requirements without disruption.

5. Predictable Pricing:

Stames’ Module Tier Pricing ensures predictability in pricing. Businesses can forecast their expenses accurately, as module tier upgrades are based on predefined increments. This predictability aids financial planning and helps organizations allocate resources more efficiently.

6. Streamlined Administration:

Managing user subscriptions can be complex and time-consuming under per-user pricing models. Stames’ Module Tier Pricing simplifies administration, reducing administrative overhead by consolidating billing and account management within the module tiers.

7. Enhanced Team Collaboration:

With Module Tier Pricing, businesses can foster better team collaboration and knowledge sharing. By accommodating multiple users within a module tier, Stames promotes seamless collaboration, allowing team members to work together effectively and enhance overall productivity.

8. Access to Full Feature Set:

Stames’ Module Tier Pricing ensures that users across all module tiers have access to the full range of features and capabilities offered by the platform. This equality ensures that businesses of all sizes can leverage the complete suite of tools and functionalities, unlocking their full potential.

9. Reduced Complexity for Scaling:
Scaling a customer service team can be a complex process. Stames’ Module Tier Pricing simplifies scaling efforts by providing clear

guidelines. Users can easily determine when to upgrade to the next module tier, allowing for a smooth transition as the team expands.

10. Unlimited Users with Module Tier 5:

The pinnacle of Stames’ Module Tier Pricing is Module Tier 5, which grants users the ability to add an unlimited number of users. This feature is particularly beneficial for rapidly growing organizations, as they can scale without restrictions, ensuring seamless customer service operations.

Stames’ Module Tier Pricing revolutionizes the way businesses approach customer service SaaS subscriptions. By offering simplified, scalable, and customizable plans, Stames empowers organizations to manage costs effectively, foster collaboration, and streamline operations. With predictable pricing, seamless upgrades, and access to the full feature set, users can focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences without the constraints of per-user pricing models.